This version of CellOrganizer can be used through a few simple Matlab
scripts or via a graphical user interface. CellOrganizer has been tested in Linux using Matlab 2011b/2012b and in MacOSX using 2012a.
- Version 1.9.1
- Updated template files.
- Updated methods so that if it fails to synthesize a framework on an iteration, it will report to the user and will try to synthesize
more images without exiting CellOrganizer. This feature is useful for individuals running CellOrganizer in a cluster.
- Version 1.9
- Uses Bio-Formats to read images, thus supporting
multiple image file formats.
- Supports use of wildcards when defining the path to image files.
- Better handling of edge cases, improved logging as well providing more feedback on training or synthesis
- No longer supports 3D images as a list of single tiff files.
- Users can use the training flag when learning a 2D generative model, that is they can decide whether they want
to train a nuclear shape model, a framework model or framework model with a protein pattern model.
Older Versions
Coming soon! Compiled versions for Linux and Mac OS
X. These
versions do not require a Matlab installation or license
Support for CellOrganizer has been provided by grants GM075205 and GM090033 from the
National Institute of General Medical Sciences,
by a Forschungspreis from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation,
and by the School of Life Sciences of the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies.