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IMG2TIF Saves an image to a multichannel tiff. Input argument


function answer=img2tif( img, filename, compression, index )


 IMG2TIF Saves an image to a multichannel tiff. Input argument
 'compression' can be 'none', 'lzw' or 'packbits'. Parameter index
 is a boolean flag that allows the user to save the image as an
 indexed tiff.

 >> img2tif( a, 'a.tiff' );
 >> img2tif( b, 'b.tiff', 'none' );
 >> img2tif( c, 'c.tiff', 'lzw' );


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function answer=img2tif( img, filename, compression, index )
0002 % IMG2TIF Saves an image to a multichannel tiff. Input argument
0003 % 'compression' can be 'none', 'lzw' or 'packbits'. Parameter index
0004 % is a boolean flag that allows the user to save the image as an
0005 % indexed tiff.
0006 %
0007 % Examples
0008 % >> img2tif( a, 'a.tiff' );
0009 % >> img2tif( b, 'b.tiff', 'none' );
0010 % >> img2tif( c, 'c.tiff', 'lzw' );
0012 % Author: Ivan E. Cao-Berg (icaoberg@cmu.edu)
0013 % Created: August 5, 2008
0014 %
0015 % March 7, 2012 R.F. Murphy Change stretching from 2% to min-max
0016 % June 5, 2012 M. Mackie Added parameter to deal with indexed images
0017 % August 4, 2012 D. Sullivan Added logical image "contrast stretching"
0018 % August 6, 2012 I. Cao-Berg Fixed statement where logical images were
0019 %                            stretched to the incorrect value
0020 % January 21, 2013 D. Sullivan no stretching seems to be present, added
0021 %                              min-max stretching
0022 % April 29, 2013 D. Sullivan stretchlim function broken, just scaling max
0023 % to 1 now.
0024 %
0025 % Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Murphy Lab
0026 % Carnegie Mellon University
0027 %
0028 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0029 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
0030 % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
0031 % or (at your option) any later version.
0032 %
0033 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
0034 % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0036 % General Public License for more details.
0037 %
0038 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
0039 % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
0040 % Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
0041 % 02110-1301, USA.
0042 %
0043 % For additional information visit http://murphylab.web.cmu.edu or
0044 % send email to murphy@cmu.edu
0046 %mmackie 6/5/12
0047 answer=false;
0048 if( nargin < 3)
0049     compression = 'none';
0050     index = false;
0051 end
0053 if( nargin < 4)
0054     index = false;
0055 end
0057 %Yajing Tang 7/3/13 Check the inputs' types
0058 if (~isnumeric(img) && ~islogical(img))
0059     disp('img2tif:not a valid image, existing method');
0060     return;
0061 end
0063 if (~isstr(filename))
0064     disp('img2tif:filename has to be a string, existing method');
0065     return;
0066 end
0067 if isequal(strfind(filename,'.tif'),[]) || (strfind(filename,'.tif')~=(length(filename)-3 ))
0068     filename=[filename '.tif'];
0069 end
0071 %D. Sullivan 4/29/13 Don't need to do this anymore.
0072 %devins 8/4/12 added logical contrast stretching
0073 if islogical(img)
0074     %icaoberg 8/6/2012
0075     %img = img.*256;
0076     img = img.*255;
0077 end
0079 %D. Sullivan 1/21/13
0080 %no contrast stretching seems to be present, adding min-max stretching
0081 %D. Sullivan 4/29/13 Stretchlim does not seem to be working properly,
0082 %removing it
0083 % low_high = stretchlim(img(:));
0084 % img = img./low_high(2);
0085 % maxval = double(max(img(:)));
0086 % img = double(img)./maxval;
0088 %it will save an image as a mat file just to check contents
0089 %save( [ filename(1:end-4) '.mat' ], 'img' );
0091 %mmackie 6/5/2012
0092 if index
0093     %save first channel
0094     imwrite( img(:,:,1), gray, filename, 'Resolution', 300, 'Compression', compression);
0095     %append other channels to the first channel
0096     if size(img,3) > 1
0097         for i=2:1:size(img,3)
0098             imwrite( img(:,:,i), gray, filename, 'Resolution', 300, 'WriteMode', 'append', 'Compression', compression );
0099         end
0100     end
0101 elseif ndims(img)==4
0102     %save first channel
0103     imwrite( squeeze(img(:,:,1,:)), filename, 'Resolution', 300, 'Compression', compression );
0105     %append other channels to the first channel
0106     if size(img,3) > 1
0107         for i=2:1:size(img,3)
0108             imwrite( squeeze(img(:,:,i,:)), filename, 'Resolution', 300, 'WriteMode', 'append', 'Compression', compression );
0109         end
0110     end
0111 else
0112     %save first channel
0113     %D. Sullivan 5/7/13 check the file type for each channel and convert it
0114     %where appropriate so that outputs are displayed properly.
0115     if max(img(:))<=1
0116         imgsave = double(img(:,:,1));
0117     elseif max(img(:))<=255
0118         imgsave=uint8(img(:,:,1));
0119     elseif max(img(:))<=65536
0120         imgsave=uint16(img(:,:,1));
0121     else
0122         warning('Unknown image type, renormalizing and saving as double')
0123         imgsave = img(:,:,1)./max(max(img(:,:,1)));
0124     end
0126     imwrite( imgsave, filename, 'Resolution', 300, 'Compression', compression );
0128     %append other channels to the first channel
0129     if size(img,3) > 1
0130         for i=2:1:size(img,3)
0131             %D. Sullivan 5/7/13 check the file type for each channel and convert it
0132             %where appropriate so that outputs are displayed properly.
0133             if max(img(:))<=1
0134                 imgsave = double(img(:,:,i));
0135             elseif max(img(:))<=255
0136                 imgsave=uint8(img(:,:,i));
0137             elseif max(img(:))<=65536
0138                 imgsave=uint16(img(:,:,i));
0139             else
0140                 warning('Unknown image type, renormalizing and saving as double')
0141                 imgsave = img(:,:,i)./max(max(img(:,:,i)));
0142             end
0144             imwrite( imgsave, filename, 'Resolution', 300, 'WriteMode', 'append', 'Compression', compression );
0145         end
0146     end
0147 end
0148 answer=true;
0149 return;
0150 end%img2tif

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