AdjustResolutions | ADJUSTRESOLUTIONS resized a 3D image according to the input and output resolutions given |
bfimg2tif | xyzct |
create_sphere | MYSPHERE Helper method that creates a 3d sphere image |
demo2html | DEMO2HTML Returns projection images and html file |
findObjFit | Region - binary mask of area to place objects, to be eroded by objWeight |
findTag | FINDTAG Returns the starting indexes of all the occurrences of tag within |
fixadherent | FIXADHERENT forces an adherent cell to have its largest slice on the bottom of the segmented cell |
getMeanModel | Compute (weighted) average model |
getMeshPoints | GETMESHPOINTS This function gets mesh points given an image |
hasToolbox | HASTOOLBOX True iff the current system has the Matlab toolbox available, |
img2model | IMG2MODEL Trains a generative model of protein subcellular location from a |
img2tif | IMG2TIF Saves an image to a multichannel tiff. Input argument |
img2xml | INDEX2XML Converts an indexed image to a sparse matrix, and saves as an xml |
improj | IMGPROJ Wrapper method for img2projection. Input argument img can |
ims2index | IMG2INDEX Converts an intensity image into an indexed image. |
instance2SBML | INSTANCE2SBML Writes data struct to a SBML-Spatial file. If an existing file is provided |
make_intermediate_results_from_temp_folder | MAKE_INTERMEDIATE_RESULTS_FROM_TEMP_FOLDER Helper method that takes files |
mathml2array | MATHML2ARRAY Parses a MathML vector or array into a Matlab array. |
matrix | MATRIX Helper function that handles the reading of MathML matrices in |
ml_findmainobj | finds the largest non-zero pixel region in an image |
ml_initparam | TZ_INITPARAM Initialize parameters. |
ml_loadimage | ML_LOADIMAGE Read images under one directory into a 3D matrix. |
ml_ls | FILELISTING = ML_LS( PATTERN ) Returns file listing of wildcard PATTERN (e.g. '*.jpg'). |
ml_saveimage | ML_SAVEIMAGE Saves images according to the Murphylab title format for easy reading by |
model2diffeomorphicInstance | MODEL2DIFFEORMORPHICINSTANCE Helper method that synthesizes a framework |
model2framework | MODEL2FRAMEWORK Helper method that generates a 2D/3D framework from a |
model2img | MODEL2IMG Synthesizes a multicolor image from a set of SLML Level 1.0 |
model2instance | MODEL2INSTANCE Generate a single instance from a valid SLML model. |
model2report_percell | Function that creates useful reports on percell statistics |
models2report | MODELS2REPORT Generate a report comparing various SLML models. |
moveObjects | MOVEOBJECTS This function moves object positions according to the specified parameters |
niceplot | NICEPLOT Helper function to plot something that is readable and savable in a new figure window. |
objectMovementModel | OBJECTMOVEMENTMODEL creates random walks for each object within a cell ignoring conflicts with other objects and cell/nuclear boundaries. |
pc12_cropImg | PC12_CROPIMG Automatically crops images |
plotcylsurf | Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Murphy Lab |
plotmodels | grj 16/5/2013 |
plotmodelsparam | PLOTMODELSPARAM plots the independent variable, x, against the models struct component, modelVar. |
preprocess | PREPROCESS segments and preprocesses a given image. |
print2file | PRINT2FILE Helper function that prints the contents of an array on a |
print2screen | PRINT2SCREEN Helper function that prints the contents of an array on the |
set_temp_result_folders | SET_TEMP_RESULT_FOLDERS checks the param struct for user defined temp directories, if not |
slml2report | SLML2REPORT Generate a report comparing various SLML models. |
splash | SPLASH MATLAB code for splash.fig |
tif2img | TIF2IMG Reads a multichannel tif and loads the image to workspace. |