< Master index Index for ./cellorganizer >

Index for ./cellorganizer

Matlab files in this directory:

 im2blenderIMG2BLENDER Exports a generated instance from CellOrganizer to a .obj mesh format
 im2projectionIM2GPROJECTION creates a sum or mean projection of the input image
 img2slmlIMG2SLML Trains a generative model of protein subcellular location from a
 savedatfileThis function saves .dat file for loading primitives into blender
 setupSETUP Helper method that loads CellOrganizer into workspace
 slml2imgSLML2IMG Synthesizes an instance from a collection
 startupStartup script
 syn2blenderSYN2BLENDER Exports a generated instance from CellOrganizer to a format
 syn2projectionSYN2PROJECTION Makes projections from a set of images synthesized by
 syn2surfaceplotIMG2PLOT Helper method that displays images generated by CellOrganizer

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